Daniela Galátová
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24040/pros.07.05.2021.svp.122-133
Even after more than a year since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemics, the European Union tries to find means on how to loosen measures restricting free movement. After not such a successful start of mobile tracing applications and due to the gradual vaccination, the European Commission has decided to prepare a legislative proposal on „Digital green certificate“. Their aim is to safeguard free movement of persons within the EU via a coordinated activity. The article provides general information on the legislative proposals, legal challenges with regards to EU competencies, privacy and health in the EU and deals also with the aspect of proportionality and legitimacy. Its conclusion includes points for further discussion and recommendations.
Kľúčové slová
COVID-19, human rights, competencies of the European Union, Digital green certificate, free movement of persons in the European Union, proportionality, legitimacy
9 Daniela Galátová (317 KB)