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Pre-Trial Detention and It‘s Alternatives in Lithuania, Estonia, Romania and Slovakia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24040/sap.2023.10.4.189-209


Citácia:  ŠVEDAS, G. – LEVON, J. 2023. Pre-Trial Detention and It‘s Alternatives in Lithuania, Estonia, Romania and Slovakia. In Štát a právo [online]. 2023, vol. 10, no. 4. pp. 189-209 [cit. dátum  citovania]. ISSN 2644-643X. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24040/sap.2023.10.4.189-209    

Abstrakt: The article deals with the regulation of grounds and duration of the pre-trial detention, as well as its alternative measures during pre-trial investigation stage in Estonian, Lithuanian, Romania and Slovak law. In addition, the article compares the available statistical data on the application of pre-trial detention and its alternative measures in the mentioned countries, as well as evaluates the significance of the trends of pre-trial detention and its alternative measures to the total number of imprisoned persons.

Kľúčové slová: Pre-trial detention; alternative measures; pre-trial investigation stage; Estonia; Lithuania; Romania; Slovakia

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