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Oluka - Igwe - Okereka

Internal Security, Rule of Law and Violations of Human Rights in Nigeria (2013 – 2020): A Contemporary World Perspective



Citácia: OLUKA, L. N. - IGWE, E. O. - OKEREKA, P. O. 2022. Internal Security, Rule of Law and Violations of Human Rights in Nigeria (2013 – 2020): A Contemporary World Perspective. In Štát a právo [online]. 2022, vol. 9, no. 1. pp. 2-27 [cit. dátum citovania]. ISSN 2644-643X. Available at:  


Abstrakt: Much as internal security is paramount to a volatile nation-state such as Nigeria, so is respect for human rights which are rights human beings have by virtue of their being human, especially the right to life, dignity of human person,  personal liberty, fair hearing, as well as freedom of speech, consciousness and religion. This study, thus, argued that internal security and respect for the rule of law in its entire ramification should run pari passu in order to maintain a stable society irrespective of the circumstances the country finds itself. It is on this premise the study examined the need for highly placed government officials to respect the rule of law. The study, essentially, argued that the law enforcement agencies and the armed forces that are empowered by the law of the land to maintain law and order as well as enforce the laws of the state and fight insurgency and other forms of anti-vices orchestrated by terrorist groups and other criminal elements, are the ones responsible for violations of the laws of the state. To achieve the objectives of this study, historical design which is qualitative and explorative in nature was adopted to examine the variables of internal security and the implications for respect and sustenance of rule of law and human rights which include respect of the rights of the individual citizens by the police and the military while carrying out their constitutional responsibilities to the state. This means that data for the study were collected from secondary source via textbooks, reports from dailies and periodicals, official documents, journal publication and internet materials. The study made some useful recommendations which among others include: the need for the government to always provoke the section of the Fundamental Rights Enforcement Procedure Rule 2008 for the enforcement of rights under the Constitution of the federal republic; there is the need for government to restructure and reorient officers of the law to change their perceptions of asserting excessive power over the citizens; there is also the need to promote harmonious police-public or community relations, and increase public trust and confidence towards the police in particular.


Kľúčové slová: Rule of Law, Human Rights Violation, Abuse, Internal security Approach, National Security, Nigeria

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