Criminal Cases Related to Slovak Citizens at the Court of Justice of the European Union
Citácia: KLIMEK, K. – SZABOVÁ. E. – FERENČÍKOVÁ. S.2021. Criminal Cases Related to Slovak Citizens at the Court of Justice of the European Union. In Štát a právo [online]. 2021, vol. 8, no. 4. pp. 268-302 [cit. dátum citovania]. ISSN 2644-643X. Available at:
Abstrakt: The Slovak Republic is a Member State of the European Union. As regards its national criminal law, it has constantly been influenced by the European Union law. Not only legislation (primary as well as secondary), but also case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (formerly known as the Court of Justice of the European Union) shall be accepted in the Member States, including the Slovak Republic. As regards case-law, some proceedings before the Court of Justice have been connected to Slovak citizens, in particular citizens staying in another States and committing criminal offence(s). The objective of the work is the assessment of case-law of the Court of Justice as regards Slovak citizens within criminal cases. It is divided into four sections. The first section analyses case C-491/07 – Vladimir Turanský. The second section analyses case C‑289/15 – Jozef Grundza. The third section analyses case C‑603/19 – TG and UF. The fourth section analyses case C‑495/18, YX.
Kľúčové slová: criminal cases, Slovak citizens, case-law, Court of Justice of the European Union, case C-491/07 – Vladimir Turanský, case C‑289/15 – Jozef Grundza, case C‑603/19 – TG and UF, case C‑495/18, YX