Introduction to Legal English
Vyučujúca: PhDr. Anna Schneiderová, PhD. Vysokoškolská učiteľka, Tajomníčka katedry Odborná asistentka [email protected] 155 048 446 3155
The subject is offered as a compulsory optional subject in the first year of the bachelor's study.
The aim of the course is to obtain information about basic legal concepts from Anglo-American legal English. Within the subject, students become familiar with the legal branches of the Anglo-American legal system, focusing on subjects taught at law faculties, as one of the objectives of the course is to prepare students for the following lectures in an English language. Students work with legal texts in order to be also able to communicate in their study field. The course also makes analyses of the sources of law in the Anglo-American legal system in comparison with the Slovak legal system. The graduate is able to read legal literature and legal documents in an English language, to understand them and work with them and to communicate professional issues in both verbal and written form.
International Legal (978 KB)
The Lawyer´s English Language (4164 KB)
Introduction to International Legal (827 KB)
Exercises BINDING (288 KB)
Materiály - letný semester (7510 KB)
ZS 15/16 International Legal English (2805 KB)
ZS 15/16 The Lawyer's English Language Coursebook (7605 KB)
Civil versus criminal proceedings (572 KB)
Sylaby predmetu Introduction to Legal English.docx (94 KB)