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English for Law Enforcement


PhDr. Anna Schneiderová, PhD. |
PhDr. Anna Schneiderová, PhD.
Vysokoškolská učiteľka, Tajomníčka katedry 
Odborná asistentka 
048 446 3155

The subject is offered as a compulsory optional subject in the second year of the bachelor's degree study.

The aim of the course is to prepare students for the work with a law-specialised text in order to be also able to communicate in their study field and follow lectures in an English language. The English for Law Enforcement course prerequisite is mastering of the language at the secondary school level. The course is focused on getting acquainted with the terminology of law enforcement, i.e., police-related and criminal law-related language. It concerns both passive and active mastering of the law-related terminology, i.e. the graduate is able to read legal literature and legal documents in an English language, to understand them and work with them and to communicate professional issues in both verbal and written form.