Faculty of Education University of Matej Bel

Criminological and Criminalistic Research Center CCRC

"The Criminological and Criminalistic Research Center at the Faculty of Law of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica" (CCRC) is a specialized research center of the Faculty of Law for the examination of the protection of persons, property and other legally protected interests, which performs the scientific research and expert activities in accordance with the long-term development plan and intentions of the faculty / university.

The primary objects of the study are the praxeological problems from the field of Criminal Law, the Criminology and Criminalistics, the Cyber Crime and prevention, the Protection of Persons and Property by the Criminal Law, and the Security agenda  within the national and international projects / grants.

Within the research center, we are building the following workplaces:

Forensic Laboratory,

Laboratory of Environmental Crime and Prevention,

Laboratory of Cyber Criminology and Victimology.

We plan to create the joint project workplaces with partners (affiliates) in the different application areas, the Critical infrastructure sectors.


Researchers of CCRC:


doc. JUDr. Jaroslav KLÁTIK, PhD.

Deputy Director of CCRC KE (regional branch at the Technical University of Košice)

Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Miroslav KELEMEN, DrSc., MBA, LL.M.

Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University in Košice



doc. JUDr. Ingrid MENCEROVÁ, PhD.

doc. JUDr. et PhDr. mult. Libor KLIMEK, PhD.

doc. JUDr. Miloš DESET, PhD.

doc. JUDr. Sergej ROMŽA, PhD.

JUDr. Miloš MAĎAR, PhD., LL.M.



Research partners and consultants

prof. Dr. Alessandro PALMIERI, Ph.D. (Italy)
Department of Law
University of Siena

prof. PhDr. Květoň HOLCR, DrSc. (Slovakia)
Paneurópska vysoká škola, Bratislava, Fakulta práva
PAN-EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY, Bratislava, Faculty of Law

prof. PhDr. Jiří STRAUS, DrSc. (Czech Republic)
Vysoká škola finanční a správní Praha, Fakulta právních a správních studií
University of Finance and Administration, Praque, Faculty of Legal and Administration studies

prof. Natalia Grigorievna KALASHNYK, DSc. (Ukraine)
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Юридичний факультет
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Law

prof. Dr. Klára KECSKEMÉTHY SIPOS, Ph.D. (Hungary)
Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Budapest
National University of Public Service, Budapest

prof. zw. dr. hab. Jacek DWORZECKI (Poland)
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
Police Academy in Szczytno

prof. JUDr. Jozef METEŇKO, PhD. (Slovakia)
Katedra kriminalistiky a forenzných vied, Akadémia Policajného zboru v Batislave
Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences, Police Academy in Bratislava

Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Pavel NEČAS, PhD., MBA (Slovakia)
Katedra bezpečnostných štúdií, FPVaMV UMB
Department of Security studies, Faculty of Political Sciences and international affairs, Matej Bel University

prof. RNDr. Iveta MARKOVÁ, PhD. (Slovakia)
Katedra životného prostredia, FPV UMB
Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University

pplk. doc. PhDr. Magdaléna ONDICOVÁ, PhD. (Slovakia)
Katedra kriminológie, Akadémia Policajného zboru v Batislave
Department of Criminology, Police Academy in Bratislava

Dr.h.c. doc. Ing. Stanislav SZABO, PhD., MBA, LL.M. (Slovakia, CCRC KE)
Letecká fakulta Technickej univerzity v Košiciach
Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University in Košice

doc. Ing. Marek DRÍMAL, PhD. (Slovakia)
Katedra životného prostredia, FPV UMB
Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University

assoc. prof. Ing. František BLAŠKO, CSc. (USA)
Colonel (ret.), Foothills, Arizona

Professor dr hab. Waldemar ZUBRZYCKI (Poland)
The chairman of the scientific council
Centrum Profilaktyki Biznesu, Warszaw

Tomasz SAFJAŃSKI, Ph.D. (Poland)
Director of Science / Dyrektor Naukowy
Centrum Profilaktyki Biznesu, Warszaw

Irena MALINOWSKA, Ph.D. (Poland)
Paweł ŁABUSZ, Ph.D. (Poland)
Mariusz MICHALSKI, Ph.D. (Poland)
The members of the Scientific Council of Centrum Profilaktyki Biznesu, Warszawa

Volodymyr POLISHCHUK, Ph.D. (Ukraine, CCRC KE)
Department of Software Systems, Faculty of Information Technology
Uzhgorod National University (Ukraine)

pplk. Ing. Štefan GALLA, PhD., MBA (Slovakia) 
Fire and technical expertise institut of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic

Ing. Erika DUDÁŠ PAJERSKÁ, PhD. (Slovakia, CCRC KE)
Faculty of Business Economics with the seat in Košice, University of Economics in Bratislava

JUDr. Miroslav BRVNIŠŤAN, PhD. (Slovakia)
expert kybernetickej bezpečnosti, BMSEC, s.r.o., Bratislava
Cyber Security Expert

Ing. Róbert ROZENBERG, PhD. (Slovakia, CCRC KE)
Letecká fakulta Technickej univerzity v Košiciach
Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University in Košice

MUDr. Mgr. Boris ŤAŽKÝ (Slovakia) 
Expert /Forensic Medicine /

MUDr. Martin SOMORA (Slovakia) 
Expert /Judicial Psychiatry /

PhDr. Roland PAVLÍK (Slovakia) 
Expert /Judicial Psychology/

Ing. Jozef SOLÁRIK (Slovakia) 
Expert /Criminologist/

JUDr. Jozef VAJS (Slovakia) 
Expert /Penology/

PhDr. Michal DOBRÍK, PhD. (Slovakia) 
Director of CEKR UMB (Crisis Management Center), security studies

JUDr. Ing. Jaroslav JEVČÁK, MBA (Slovakia, CCRC KE) 
Expert / Security technology, Project management


EMAIL FOR CCRC:   jaroslav.klatik@umb.sk,  miroslav.kelemen@tuke.sk 


Faculty of Education University of Matej Bel